Breaking it Down: Backyard Composting and Hip Hop Dogs

Breaking it Down: Backyard Composting and Hip Hop Dogs

UC Davis’ legacy of environmental sustainability is an inspiration to me. In celebration of Earth Day, the University, in collaboration with Sacramento-based CleanWorld, designed and built a 50-ton-per-day anaerobic digester at the University’s old landfill. Bacterial microbes in oxygen-deprived tanks feast on campus and community food and yard waste to help generate renewable electricity. The project is a keen demonstration of what can be achieved when research universities and private industry partner to solve today’s pressing global challenges.

Our 82 gallon black compost bin sits where the fence corners meet. You can see it just above the curve of Stella’s tail.

© 2014 Theresa Funk, all copyrights reserved.

Vermont’s Connection to a Green California: The Clean Energy States Alliance

California and Vermont seem to be blessed with the largest per-capita population of creative, experienced policy makers and green practitioners in the nation.  A good friend from Vermont coordinated this year’s Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) National Membership Meeting in Sacramento earlier this week, so I was able to connect with her between the events hosted by the California Energy Commission and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District.  

 CESA’s mission supports state and local leadership to promote the use of existing and emerging clean energy technologies. The Alliance’s analysis and studies are designed to accelerate clean energy deployment.  They are a nationwide network of leaders at the state and local level working together to catalyze a low-carbon energy economy, and I feel privileged for having the opportunity to be in the presence of such good intended thought leaders. State policies and programs will determine the progress of renewable energy implementation and standards in America.  Did you know that since 1998, $3.4 billion of state clean energy funds support has driven the construction of over 130,000 renewable energy projects representing a total investment of nearly $16 billion? 


I’m interested to see these projects continue to succeed and expand in the coming years, and will continue to do my part in supporting the initiatives.
